eFiling Document

eFiling Admin User Manual

1. Introduction

1.1 Key Purpose

The E- Committee of the Supreme Court of India has designed & set up the e-filing System which enables electronic filing of legal papers (“e-filing”). Using the e-filing, cases (both civil and criminal) can be filed before all High courts and district courts that adopt this e-filing system. Introduction of this e-filing system is aimed at promoting paperless filing & create time and cost saving efficiencies by adopting technological solution to file cases before various courts in India.

This User Manual is for enabling the users to understand the step by step process involved in e-filing, to facilitate use of e-filing system and offer support to users. The e-filing system can be used by any Advocate enrolled to practice in the Bar Council of any State in India or by any Petitioner in Person to file cases before the High court and District Courts of States that adopt this e-filing system.

2. Admin Profile

Admin can view his/her profile from the link View Profile available at the top of the left panel. Click on View Profile link redirects to profile page displaying his/her name, contact details ( email, mobile and other contact ), address and photo.

2.1 Update Photo

Admin can update his/her profile photo by selecting the check box with upload button (Fig. 2) . Scanned image of Photo must be 50 KB in size and JPEG format.

Fig. 2- Admin Profile

2.2 Update E-mail Address

Admin can update his/her new email address by clicking on edit icon ( ) next to email address (Fig. 2). Click on edit icon will redirect Admin to next page (Fig. 2.2(a)) where he/she can input new email address and press Update button. An OTP will be sent to Admin on his/her new email address which he/she must input on next page (Fig. 2.2(b)) to validate and update new email address in his/her profile.

Fig. 2.2(a) - Input new E-mail Id

Fig 2.2(b) - Input OTP received on new email id

2.3 Update Mobile Number

Admin can update his/her new mobile number by clicking on edit icon ( ) next to mobile number (Fig. 2). Click on edit icon will redirect Admin to next page (Fig. 2.3(a)) where he/she can input new mobile number and press Update button. An OTP will be sent to Admin on his/her new mobile number which he/she must input on next page (Fig. 2.3(b)) to validate and update new mobile number in his/her profile.

Fig 2.3.1 - Input new mobile number

Fig 2.3.2- Input OTP received on new mobile number

2.4 Update Address

Admin can update his/her address by clicking edit icon ( ) next to address (Fig. 2). Click on edit icon will redirect Admin to next page (Fig. 2.4) where he/she can input new address and press Update button to update new address in his/her profile.

Fig 2.4 - Update Address of Admin Profile.

3. Dashboard

On successful login Admin lands on dashboard. Admin Dashboard divided into the following sections :

e-Filing Status
  • New Filing
  • Not Accepted
  • Deficit Court Fee Awaited
  • Re-Filing
  • Transfer to Section
Filing Section Status
  • Available for CIS
  • Pending Scrutiny
  • Defective
  • Defects cured
e-Filing Status
  • Cases
  • Documents
  • Deficit Court Fee
  • Rejected
  • Idle/Unprocessed e-Filed No.'s

Fig. 3 - Admin Dashboard

3.1. e-Filing Status

3.1.1 New Filing

On clicking ' New Filing ' tile, Admin is redirected to a page (Fig. 3.1.1.(a)) having a list of new filing done by the Users (Advocates and Party-in-Persons).

There are three types of New Filing :-

  • New Cases - user has filed a petition to initiate court proceedings.
  • Misc. Docs - user has filed documents in already filed court cases ( either efiled or conventionally filing method ).
  • Deficit Court Fee - user has done payment of court fees found deficit in already conventionally filed cases

In New Filing list (Fig. 3.1.1.(a)) there is a 'Action' button corresponding to each efiling number, on clicking it admin will be redirected to ' View ' page of the efiling number where Admin can see the details of the efiling number.

If on click of 'Action' button a alert message (Fig. 3.1.1.(b)) appears stating that details of this advocate is not present in local CIS then admin has to get registered the concerned advocate after verifying the information available under Registration (Advocates) list.

There is different view for each 'New Filing' type.

On ' View ' page Admin can either Approve or Disapprove or can mark a efiling number as Deficit in Court Fee.

  • Approve : If everything is in order of the efling number and Admin chooses to Approve it then Admin has to click on 'Approve' button, a confirmation dialog box (Fig. 3.1.1.(f)) will appear; on 'Yes' efiling number will be updated to 'Transfer to Section' stage.
  • Disapprove : On examining of efiling number if Admin found some defects; he/she can disapprove it. On click of 'Disapprove' button a dialog box (Fig. 3.1.1.(g)) will appear where in Admin has to write the reason of disapporval. and efiling number will be updated to 'Not Accepted' stage.
  • Deficit Court Fee : On examining of efiling number if Admin founds that everything is in order except that court fee is deficit. He/she can mark efling number as deficit in Court fee by clicking on 'Deficit Court Fee' button; a dialog box (Fig. 3.1.1.(h)) will appear where in Admin can input the amount by which efiling number is deficit in Court fee and efiling number will be updated to 'Deficit Court Fee Awaited' stage.

Fig. 3.1.1(a) - New Filing List

Fig. 3.1.1(b) - Advocate Registration Alert

Fig. 3.1.1(c) - New Filing - New Case View

Fig. 3.1.1(d) - New Filing - Misc. Docs View

Fig. 3.1.1(e) - New Filing - Deficit court fee View

Fig. 3.1.1(f) - New Filing - Approve Alert

Fig. 3.1.1(g) - New Filing - Disapprove - Write Reason

Fig. 3.1.1(h) - New Filing - Deficit Court Fee)

3.1.2 Not Accepted

'Not Accepted' tile has a list (Fig 3.1.2) of efiling numbers which are disapproved by the Admin with some defects.

Fig 3.1.2 Not Accepted List

3.1.3 Deficit Court Fee Awaited

'Deficit Court Fee Awaited' tile has a list (Fig 3.1.3) of efiling numbers which are marked by Admin as deficit in court fee and court fee is yet to be paid by the user.

Fig 3.1.3 Deficit Court Fee Awaited

3.1.4 Re-Filing

'Re-filing' tile has a list (Fig 3.1.4) of efiling numbers that are disapproved by Admin with some defects and the same defects have been cured by User (Advocate or Party-in_person). On click of 'Action' button Admin will be redirected to 'View' page of the efiling number; where on examining efiling number he/she can either 'Approve' or 'Disapprove' or mark as 'Deficit in Court fee' as done in 'New Filing' tile.

Fig 3.1.4 Re-Filing List

3.1.5 Transfer to Section

'Transfer to Section' tile has a list (Fig 3.1.5) of efiling numbers that are approved by Admin and ready to be transfered to filing section or concerned section. On click of 'Transfer to Section' button a dialog box will pop-up asking for confirmation.
On confirmation filing type

  • New Case - will be updated to next stage and will be visible under Filing Section Status 'Available for CIS' tile on dashboard.
  • Misc. Documents - will be successfully efiled and will be visible under eFiled Status 'Documents' tile on dashboard.
  • Deficit Court Fee - will be successfully efiled and will be visible under eFiled Status 'Deficit Court Fee' tile on dashboard.

Fig 3.1.5 – Transfer to Section List

3.2 Filing Section Status

3.2.1 Available for CIS

'Available for CIS' tile has a list (Fig. 3.2.1(a)) of efiling numbers which are ready to be consumed in local CIS. After login into local CIS these efiling numbers can be consumed from 'Consume Data' sub-menu of 'e-Filing' menu (Fig. 3.2.1(b)) New records will be inserted into local CIS tables (Fig. 3.2.1(c)). After consumption of efiling data into local CIS; CIS Admin can either verify or reject the efiling numbers from 'e-Filing' sub-menu of 'e-Filing' menu (Fig. 3.2.1(d)), (Fig. 3.2.1(e)), (Fig. 3.2.1(f)), (Fig. 3.2.1(g)). Status of consumption of efiling numbers in CIS will be automatically updated to efiling application every 30 minutes. Even efiling Admin can update the status manually by clicking 'Get Status from CIS' button. In efiling application status of consumption is checked from NJDG, therefore proper slony of local CIS is required on NJDG. If efiling number is successfully consumed then after status update its stage will be updated to 'Pending Scrutiny'. If on click of 'Get Status from CIS' button a pop-up (Fig. 3.2.1(h)) appears then it means that either said efiling is not consumed in local CIS or local CIS is not sloned properly on NJDG.

Fig. 3.2.1(a)-Filing Section Status – Available for CIS

Fig. 3.2.1(b)-CIS - e-Filing (consume data)

Fig. 3.2.1(c)-Filing Section Status – Available for CIS

Fig. 3.2.1(d)-CIS - e-Filing (consume data)

Fig. 3.2.1(e)-Filing Section Status – Available for CIS

Fig. 3.2.1(f)-CIS - e-Filing (consume data)

Fig. 3.2.1(g)-Filing Section Status – Available for CIS

Fig. 3.2.1(h)-Filing Section Status – Available for CIS

3.2.2 Pending Scrutiny

'Pending Scrutiny' tile has a list (Fig. 3.2.2) of efiling numbers which are consumed in local CIS and their filed documents are being scrutinized by the filing section of the court. On scrutiny of the documents filing section will update the status in local CIS. Scrutiny Status will be checked and updated to efiling application automatically every 30 minutes. The same can be checked and updated by efiling Admin manually by clicking on 'Get Scrutiny Status' button available corresponding to each efiling number (Fig. 3.2.2). If scrutiny status of efiling number is found defective then its stage will be updated to 'Defective' otherwise it will be successfully efiled and will be available under 'Efiled Status - Cases' tile on dashboard (Fig. 3).

Fig 3.2.2 Filing Section Status – Pending Scrutiny

3.2.3 Defective

'Defective' tile has a list (Fig. 3.2.3) of efiling numbers for which filing section of the court has notified some defects and the defects yet to be cured by user (Advocate or Party-in-person).

Fig 3.2.3 Filing Section Status – Defective

3.2.4 Defects Cured

'Defects Cured' tile has a list (Fig. 3.2.4) of efiling numbers for which users (Advocate or Party-in-person) has cured the defects. Admin has to give cured documents to filing section and get those documents scrutinized again. In this list Admin has to enter the scrutiny date of the case documents to again fetch the scrutiny status by clicking on 'Get Scrutiny Status' button.

Fig 3.2.4 Filing Section Status – Defects Cured

3.3 E-Filed Status


'Cases' tile has a list (Fig. 3.3.1) of efiling numbers that are successfully efiled and registered in local CIS and given a CNR (Case Record Number).

Fig. 3.3.1 eFiled Status – Cases

3.3.2 Documents

'Documents' tile has a list (Fig. 3.3.2) of efiling numbers of successfully efiled Miscellaneous Documents under a already filed case using CNR number of that case.

Fig 3.3.2 eFiled Status – Documents

3.3.3 Deficit Court Fee

'Deficit Court Fee' tile has a list (Fig. 3.3.3) of efiling numbers of successfully efiled payment of Deficit Court Fee of already filed cases using their CNR (Case Record Number).

Fig 3.3.3 eFiled Status - Deficit Court Fee

3.3.4 Rejected

'Rejected' tile has a list (Fig. 3.3.4) of efiling numbers that are rejected by CIS Admin. These efiling numbers rejected by CIS Admin on update of Scrutiny Status in efiling application are updated to 'Rejected' stage and gets visible here.

Fig 3.3.4 eFiled Status - Rejected

3.3.5 Idle/Unprocessed

'Idle/Unprocessed' tile has a list (Fig. 3.3.5) of efiling numbers that are marked by Admin as 'Idle' or 'Unprocessed' which are lying idle in user account for a long time without any action.

Fig 3.3.5 eFiled Status - Idle/Unprocessed

4. Report

4.1 Work Done

This report is to help Admin to know that how many and which efiling numbers he/she has updated at various stages in his/her account in a day. On load of page default report (Fig. 4.1(a)) is generated from the first day of the current month to till date. It can be generated for a required period by selecting 'From Date' and 'To Date'. A click on number in the table a pop-up (Fig. 4.1(b)) will appear showing efiling numbers for corresponding stage and date. Report can be downloaded in PDF format by clicking on 'PDF' button in the pop-up.

Fig. 4.1(a) Report - Work Done

Fig. 4.1.(b)) Report - Work Done Details

4.2 Court Fees

This report lists efiling numbers which are finally submit by the users (Advocates or Party-in-person) and court fees paid successfully. On load of page default report (Fig. 4.2) is generated from the first day of the current month to till date. It can be generated for a required period by selecting 'From Date' and 'To Date'.

Fig. 4.2 Report - Court Fees

4.3 Userwise eFiling

This report lists count (Fig. 4.3(a)) of efiling numbers in which action is pending on the part of users (Advocate or Party-in-person) at various stages for each user. On click of count Admin will be redirected to a page showing list (Fig. 4.3(b)) of efiling numbers pending at a stage for a user from how many days. On click of efiling number Admin redirected to 'View' page (Fig. 4.3(c)), (Fig. 4.3(d)) of the efiling number where Admin can mark this efiling number as either 'Idle' or 'Idle and Delete'. To make a efiling number 'Idle' or 'Idle and Delete' Admin has write to reason for that action (Fig. 4.3(e)). When Admin mark a efiling number 'Idle' it means that user can not do any action for this efiling number and when mark it as 'Idle and Delete' it means that it is marked as Idle as well as it's uploaded documents are also deleted from efiling server. Idle efiling number can be reverted to its previous stage by Super Admin but a efiling number marked as 'Idle and Delete' can be restored back.

Fig. 4.3.(a) Report - Userwise eFiling

Fig. 4.3.(b) Report - Userwise efiling details

Fig. 4.3.(c) Report - Userwise New Case View

Fig. 4.3.(d) Report - Userwise Misc. document View

Fig. 4.3.(e) Report - Reason to make Idle

4.4 Transaction Details

This report lists (Fig. 4.4) all the transactions done for the payment of court fee against efiling numbers. This report shows details corresponding to each transaction like transaction number, its date, Bank name, Bank reference number and status of the transaction. If in the column of status 'Update Status' is shown that it means there is communication failure between payment gateway and efiling application due to technical reasons. The status of transaction can be updated by click on the link to update status after a specified time.

Fig. 4.4 Report - Transaction Details

5. Registration

5.1 Party In Person

This page lists (Fig. 5.1) all newly registered Party-in-person but needs to be approved by Admin to start efiling in the application. Admin can view details and ID proof uploaded by user while registering with application. If Admin is satisfied with the information, he can approve user; after that user can start efiling with the application.

Fig 5.1.1 Party In Person

5.2 Advocates

This page lists (Fig. 5.2(a)) advocates who efiled for court belongs to Admin but his/her details (Bar-Registration Number, mobile, email-id etc.) are not present in local CIS. Admin can view (Fig. 5.2(b)) the details of advocate by clicking on his/her name. Admin needs to get entered advocate details in local CIS as the advocate is validated through other court. After getting entered advocate details Admin can update the status in efiling application by clicking on 'Check Status' button. Only after his/her status is updated in efiling application only then Admin can take action on efiling done by the advocate.

Fig 5.2(a) Registration - Advocates List

Fig 5.2(b) Registration - Advocate Details

6. Activated User

This page lists (Fig. 6(a)) all the users (Advocate or Party-in-person) activated by Admin. He/she can view user details (Fig. 6(b)) by clicking on name of the user.

Fig 6(a) Activated Users

Fig 6(b) User Details


View of the efiling number can be seen by clicking on efiling numbers in the lists under various tiles of dashboard. Case History of the case can be seen by clicking on CNR numbers of the case in the lists under various tiles on dashboard. Following views of efiling numbers are seen in the application.

Fig. 7.1 New Case View

Fig. 7.2 Misc. Documents View

Fig. 7.3 Objections

Fig. 7.4 Case History.